(022) 00 22 44

Audit services rendered by Moldovan companies

Ducont Company renders external audit services for businesspersons both from Chisinau Municipality and entire Moldova. This Company helps to achieve the maximum clarity in business, but this is extremely important, since it is the basis of development of any firm.

Audit services rendered by Ducont Company are not limited only to delivery of audit findings. Moreover, we thoroughly analyse your financial statements and identify the risks your business is subject to. Besides this, we also provide high-performance solutions for profit-making decisions.

Audit of financial statements is mandatory for:

  • State and municipal enterprises of public interest
  • Medium and small business that meet two of the following conditions:
    • Assets exceeding 63.6 mln. MDL,
    • Sales volume exceeding 127.2 mln. MDL,
    • Number of employees exceeding 50 people.

IT Park Audit

Audit of IT Park residents is mandatory in Moldova, hence, we offer our support to you in carrying on the audit and providing the check matrix. We had a wide experience in accounting recording and audit of IT companies.

Advantages of external audit are:

  • Increasing the degree of trust of business partners,
  • Facilitating the access to bank credits,
  • Promptly detecting the errors and frauds,
  • Increasing the trust of potential investors,
  • Avoiding the payment of fines and penalties,
  • Making the proposals for effective use of Firm’s resources,
  • Carrying on the thorough analysis of financial statements.

Audit Price

With this calculator you can estimate the audit costs for your business!

The aspects touched on in the course of the audit mission are

computer error

Identifying the weak points; minimising the risks of appearance of distortions, mistakes and frauds


Drafting the audit findings as based on the certified auditor’s opinion; detecting the frauds, thefts and so on

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Correctness of economic operations presentation in accounting


Correctness of reports submitted to the State authorities; recommendations for remedy of identified defects

High quality

Efficiency of the Accounting Department and internal control

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Correctness of economic operations presentation in accounting

computer alert

Identifying the weak points; minimising the risks of appearance of distortions, mistakes and frauds


Correctness of reports submitted to the State authorities; recommendations for remedy of identified defects


Drafting the audit findings as based on the certified auditor’s opinion; detecting the frauds, thefts and so on

High quality

Efficiency of the Accounting Department and internal control

Other services

Starting a Business

“Ducont” can assist you in launching, monitoring, maintaining and improving your own business.

Tax Consultancy

This service aims at providing the entrepreneurs with the necessary assistance during the fiscal auditing period, as well as with various clarifications and information.

Legal address

The legal address represents the head office of a company and is an essential element in establishing a company, since it is indicated in the company’s Articles of Incorporation.

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